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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

We Chose Not To Participate!

"How did the recession impact your business?" was the question asked of a CEO. His reply? "Very well, we chose not to participate."

What is the take away from this discussion? Everyday we are faced with challenges and opportunities. How we choose to see and interact with them will determine the most important outcome - our emotional state. 

When it comes to issues of stress and anxiety, we can either choose to participate, or not. I was recently given a very valid bit of counsel in this matter. The question was "How do you deal with stress?" The answer? "Don't create it."  Very often the root to our stress and our anxiety is the way we look at the problem.  Every problem has with it the solution, we sometimes just fail to look at the other side of the coin.  When we lock onto the problem or it's minutia, we limit the scope our vision can take.  This instantly rules out many available options.

We have the power to eliminate every aspect of stress and anxiety in our life. At An Open Mind we show you the way to achieve a stress free and relaxed attitude for success. Either through one on one coaching and counseling or through The Art and Joy of Parenting and The Art and Joy of Romance. We will teach you the effective and proven ways to eliminate the negative and defeating thoughts that hinder your Joy and Happiness.

Call us at 208-232-2263, or go to

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