At An Open Mind we are so grateful to be able to offer a powerful and safe alternative to all of these medications. Brainwave Optimization has enhanced the lives of all of our clients and many have found that they are able to rid themselves of these and other medications. It is our hope that more and more people worldwide will look to natural safe alternatives for there mental wellness and are fortunate to offer one of the best tools available to alter mood and enhance sleep without these dangerous drugs.
I would like to express gratitude for Kellene Bishop and The Preparedness Pro for making me aware of the above cited link. I encourage you to look at the information and read the research studies associated with these powerful medications.
The following was taken from and is an indication of the dangers associated with Ambien.
Changes in Behavior and Thinking
Hypnotics such as Ambien can cause changes in behavior and promote abnormal thinking. The patient might experience symptoms such as aggressiveness, agitation, bizarre behavior, depression and depersonalization, reports These adverse reactions occur in less than one percent of patients but may be life-threatening and can potentially lead to suicidal thoughts or actions. The medication should be used cautiously in elderly patients because they are unable to release the drug from the body as quickly because of their age. The patient should report the occurrence of these side effects to a physician immediately. To avoid the appearance of these effects, the patient should be given the lowest possible dose.
Ambien should be used with caution in patients who have depression. According to, depressed patients have reported a worsening of the symptoms of depression, which includes suicidal thoughts and actions. The patient must inform the physician of his entire medical history to avoid a dangerous effect such as this one.
Read more:
For images of brainwave functioning before and after Brainwave Optimization I encourage you to follow these links.
Depression and anxiety are very real and rampant in our society. They are getting worse. There are natural and safe ways of dealing with them. I will personally work with anyone who wishes to find a better route to mental health than the one they are on through these medications. It may take more than the regular 10 sessions to work through the medications and get the brainwave patterns to change allowing the brain to experience the quiet calm that it wants, but it is far better than the mental and physiological damage that these medications can leave in their wake. Anyone who reads this and wishes to experience the power of Brainwave Optimization will receive my complete care and attention to bring you into a better life.
Beginning the first of the year we will begin offering an extended care package of Neuro-Balancing sessions that includes:
- 3 months of access to our members only resource website containing articles, videos, and other helpful information to enhance the brain functioning, (normally $89.94)
- 1 30 minute phone or in person consultation monthly for 3 months, (a $127.50 value)
- 1 email consultation per month for 3 months. ($85 total services)
- access to the monthly video chat seminar on better mental wellness and brain health for three months.(a $60 feature)
We feel so strongly about this issue that we are including these additional services at no cost to our $1850 Harmonized package. The above listed services represent well over $300 in savings that we are giving to you so that you can finally experience life as it is meant to be lived and reach your fullest potential.
In the bio section of the form below, just state that you are interested in receiving $350 free. I will see that you receive the complete information package delivered immediately and provide you with everything you need to start on a path to vitality and success.
Do not wait. As one who was once on these powerful medications for depression, I can tell you that there is nothing better than to say goodbye to the dizziness, the jitters, and all the rest that I thought was worth it to not feel depressed. Now, I am free from the cloud of depression, have better focus and clarity of mind, and feel life enter me again. I want that for you, and that is why I am giving away the $500 in additional services over 3 months so that you can see the full benefit for yourself.
I look forward to working with you and wish you the best of the Christmas and New Year season.
"The Bong Bong Doc"
Brett M. Judd LMSW
819 N.12th Pocatello, Idaho 83201
An Open Mind and Brainstate Technologies does not advocate the use of Brainwave Optimization as a replacement for medication or a cure for illness. While some clients have had dramatic results and have allowed their story to be used as a testimonial, individual results very. The cessation of any medication must be done with medical personnel supervision and recommendation.
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