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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Ridicule never was a good motivator

Public ridicule and shame will never be a powerful change agent. While it is fun and mirrors the Facebook viral images of the sandwiched boarded child proclaiming "I'm a thief", these methods do little to instill a sense of empowerment, pr
ide in the accomplishment, and desire to try harder next time. The reality is, these tactics for change instill into the child sense of futility, fear in trying, and many times a seeking safety in mediocrity.

Instead of a face painting of the losers, this teacher could easily have had a teared prize/reward system based on score. Everyone receives a level of praise dependent on their accomplishment, and those who did not reach the highest are not shamed for their "failure" but are rewarded and encouraged for what they did do.

So, three things to take away from this -

1. Praise the attempt and accomplishment first.
2. Do nothing that shames and ridicules the attempt at success (recognize that success is individual and not always a test score)
3. Use the scores to regroup, seek growth opportunities, and encourage growth.

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